down the tbr hole #1

today i’m participating in the down the tbr hole meme, created by lia @ lost in a story!

how it works:

☀ go to your goodreads tbr list

☀ order to ascending date added

☀ take the first 5 (or 10) books and read their synopses

☀ decide: keep or go?

here we go!


currently on my shelf: 1362


#1: heist society by ally carter (added 10/17/13)

i’m always down for a good heist

decision: KEEP


#2: brightly woven by alexandra bracken (added 10/17/13)

i wan’t enamored with bracken’s work the last time i reread the darkest minds, i’m unsure if i’ll like her debut novel.

decision: GO


#3: oh. my. gods. by tera lynn childs (added 10/17/13)

i don’t even have to read the description for this one

decision: GO


#4: unearthly by cynthia hand (added 10/17/13)

i’m kind of over paranormal romance, if i have to be honest

decision: GO


#5: fallen by lauren kate (added 10/17/13)

same as above

decision: GO


#6: starcrossed by josephine angelini (added 10/17/13)

same as abo….wait this looks cool nvm

decision: KEEP


#7: the symptoms of my insanity by mindy raf (added 10/17/13)

the thing about this is that i just feel “meh” about it, but i know it’ll be a quick, easy read

decision: KEEP


#8: defiance by cj redwine (added 10/18/13)

again with the paranormal romance!

decision: GO


#9: renegade by j.a. souders (added 10/18/13)

ya science fiction? sign me the fuck up.

decision: KEEP


#10: the lost girl by sangu mandanna (added 10/18/13)

this seems like another mila 2.0, which i had enough of the first time i read it.

decision: GO


books kept: 4

books tossed: 6

total books on tbr shelf: 1356

not a bad start!

are you doing down the tbr hole? how’s your progress? let me know in the comments!

love, rae ☀☀☀

One thought on “down the tbr hole #1

  1. Jordann @thebookbloglife says:

    this looks like such a cool concept – I might have to start a series over on my blog. I have to say Starcrossed was one of my most hated books – SO cliche.

    Hopefully you love it!


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